How does D89 compare to the other D87 Feeder Schools regarding Teachers?

We know there is always room for improvement. We know that teaching is becoming more difficult as a whole. We know that this is a national problem and not specific to any one School District. We also know that a few don't represent the whole. So let's dig into the data.

If you know what the mean is, you can thank a teacher! 

It's obvious from the data on that D89 ranks well above the state average almost across the board. But isn't it best to compare locally? Let us look at the data with regards to our D89 Teachers and compare it to other Glenbard D87 Feeder Districts. We put together a side-by-side comparison and showed the averages for these districts.

What we see is, D89 Teachers:

- Have a greater percentage of Master's Degrees or higher!

- Have a mean student to teacher ratio.

- Have a higher than average retention rate.

- Have a higher than the mean, average salary.

- Have less than the average number of teachers.

- Show up more! 90% of teachers in district have fewer than 10 absences!

- Received a 100% on teacher evaluations

- Include 4 National Board Certified Teachers

- Include 5 Gifted Endorsed Teachers