How does D89 compare to the other D87 Feeder Schools for IAR?

IAR results are not something that is easy to interpret.  They haven't been the consistent enough to build off of previous years yet, so there is no accurate trending data.  Prior to IAR, we used PARCC, but those had adjustments made often to keep them for being standard as well.  This isn't something you can find on a website, and we're pretty strict about not making things up.  But ask any teacher, we have.  The consistent response is, we don't use it to assess student performance.  Even if the results could be compared from year to year, the results are received just prior to the next year.  So things have changed before it can be reviewed.  

So what do teachers rely on?  MAP scores.  They are taken several time in a year, and the results are almost immediately available.   They can see trending, make course corrections, and see the results all possibly within the same school year.

But, for the purpose of addressing people calling out IAR data and trying to draw conclusions from it that even those in education don't attempt, here is a quick, useful, analysis of IAR date.

The best way to make information out of the IAR data is to compare results to others.  Here are the IAR data points from each School District that feeds into the Glenbard D87 District.